Student Support
STREAM Framework
Based on research of what schools need in order to effectively address barriers to learning and teaching, learning supports can be coalesced into six categories of classroom and school-wide support, each of which is organized along an integrated intervention continuum.
The five categories are:
Enhancing regular classroom strategies to enable learning (e.g., improving instruction and classroom management to enhance engagement and to pursue response to intervention strategies for those with mild-moderate learning and behavior problems).
Reasonable and Effective Accommodations
Accommodations is used to refer to changes to the school program that enable the student to gain access to the curriculum. Generally, there are three kinds of accommodations, environmental, instructional, and assessment.
Input: Vary the way in which instruction is delivered (e.g., use different visual aids, concrete examples, hands-on activities, cooperative groups)
Difficulty: Accommodate for the skill level, problem type, or the rules for how the learner may approach the work (e.g., allow calculator, simplify directions, change rules)
Output: Change how the student responds to instruction (e.g., verbal instead of written responses, drawing or outlining instead of writing, demonstration)
Participation: Change the extent to which a learner is actively involved in the task
Alternate goals: Change the goals or outcome expectations while using the same materials.
Response to intervention (RTI)
Identify students' challenges early on and give them the support they need to thrive in school. The word intervention is key to understanding what RTI is all about. The goal is for the school to intervene, or step in, and start helping before a student falls really far behind.responding to, and where feasible, preventing academic and social-emotional crises. (Intervention is scheduled Monday - Thursday for all enrolled students.
Communication and outreach
Increasing home, school connections and community involvement and support (e.g., outreaching to parent, volunteers and district resources that can fill priority gaps in the system of supports)
Individualized academics
Individualized classrooms allow us to cover material quickly and to completely customize the class to the student’s needs. We accomplish this by designing a unique plan to meet your child’s unique educational needs and the necessary support and services to meet their academic goals.